Thursday, March 11, 2010

And so it begins

Welcome! My life is full of new adventures right now, and this blog is certainly one of them. I have never kept one of these and, frankly, never had a strong desire to try. Never the less, when you do things like move to Albania for two years, a few people insist that you do so. So here it is. I make no guarantees on how often I'll update or what content I will include. Those things will probably vary along the way. All that I promise today is that I won't forget about this and will give a true effort to make it a reasonable record of my time overseas. As for today...

It is hard to describe the feelings that I am experiencing while on the cusp of what will most likely be the great adventure of my life. The fact that I'll actually be in Albania at this time next week is almost more than I can comprehend. Part of me is scared. It is not so much a fear for my personal well-being as it is a fear that I might fail to take full advantage of the opportunities that will be presenting themselves to me over the next two years.

Sitting here, in America, I can scarcely imagine the people that I will be meeting, the places I will be visiting (and living in!), and the work that I will be doing while over there. It is foolish to live with an eye on the possibility of future regrets, but it is only too easy do so right now. I have a bad tendency to look back on the people and events from my past and think, "if only I was the person then that I am now, I could have done things so much better." In some ways, I am doing that for Matthew, version 2012, today. I am not world traveler (no really. Aside from a one hour border crossing into Mexico when I was five, I've never set foot on foreign soil). I don't know how to work effectively in Albania. I don't speak the language. I don't know the customs. I am sure that there will be plenty of opportunities to look back on things at the end and think, "if only..."

But then, that's stupid. Half, or most, of the beauty of an adventure like this comes from the process of learning itself. I must laugh at myself when I try to buy a stamp and instead ask for a hen (pula... pulla... eh, nevermind), to value the experiences that teach me how I should and shouldn't go about my work, and to relish that piece of the unknown that comes along with any good adventure. I may not do everything perfectly, but if I hold true to those ideas, I'll probably emerge on the other side as something similar to the person that part of me wishes I could be today. And I guess that's the whole point of life.

So cheers! Thanks for coming along for the ride. See you in Albania.


  1. it's going to be amazing! living & working internationally changed my life/the way i view the world forever. i guess how could it not, really.

    i'll be following along! safe travels :) bring your favorite candy.
    Megan Klein

  2. It's fun to have you on here, Megan. I was a quiet but regular follower of your Taiwan blog; partly because I rather enjoy your writing, and partly because it served as a fun sort of preview of this coming stage of my own life.

    Anyway, I appreciate the kind words. I'll see what I can do about the candy... but I'm just not sure how well the bluebell will last in my suitcase. It might be worth a try, though.


  3. Matrix:
    I can't wait to try your recommended recipes! You are going to make Julia Child's recipes and comment on the results, right?

    We are very proud of you and will be following your journey. Our thoughts and prayers are with you!

  4. I am proud of the person you are and the choices you have made. I am sure that God will use this trip to impact you and show you just how much a single life can impact the world around it.

  5. Matthew! Yes, you will look back on this venture and think of what you could have done "if only" you knew what you'll know in 20-whatever...but more importantly if you didn't take these two years to learn and grow you would (more importantly) loose all that knowledge and couldn't even reflect on the "if only"s in your future years. It's going to be awesome. So glad you're blogging. Megan has trained me well to follow bloggers.

  6.'s great to see that you are settling in to your new life. Thanks so much for setting up the blog, it's really nice to read and see what your up to. It adds a little adventure to my day, if only vicariously.
